Ten days ago, Dan and I agreed to take part into what you might think is a crazy experiment. We’re always up for trying new things, tasting new food (provided it’s veggie!) and discovering new places, and we love a night in a hotel, but when LateRooms contacted us with an invitation to spend the night in a bubble in the middle of the shopping area in Bath, you might think we would have thought about it twice. But my answer was a resounding yes, before Dan had a chance to say a word!
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not some sort of exhibitionist, so it’s wasn’t with the idea of rolling in bed in my pyjamas in front on everybody walking across SouthGate that I accepted the offer, but rather with the excitement of being in a bubble, not my usual daydreaming and light chasing bubble, but an actual one, where I might be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the stars while lying on a comfy bed.
I don’t think we would have gone for the experience if it had taken place on a Saturday but doing it on Sunday, the potential of drunk people trying to pop the bubble was much less! The team at LateRooms had also booked us into a nearby “real” hotel in case we felt uncomfortable at any point. The Abbey Hotel staff were brilliant and they even brought us a glass of bubbly as we settled in the bubble. Great room service indeed!
I was wondering how people would react, and was pleasantly surprised as intrigued passers-by stopped to wave at us or even have a chat while we were outside the bubble taking pictures of our surreal room for the night. I had also arranged for Keith and Laura Mae, some friends living in Bath, to pop by a natter (and a pillow fight). They loved it! We even ended up forgetting about our unusual surroundings as we chatted while sat on the bed.
I’m sad to say though that by 3am we were defeated as the sound of the ventilation that keeps the bubble inflated kept us awake so we decided to swap our otherwise lovely accommodation for the “real” hotel room. We did come back at 7am though to see how the commuters would react to bumping into an inflatable hotel on their way to work. Perhaps unsurprisingly a rainy Monday morning didn’t foster curiosity, especially among the people running for a train. Our transparent room wasn’t received with the same interest as during the night, although a few people did wave including a poor chap whose bacon sarnie was snatched by an especially vicious seagull!
We had a great time and would definitely like to do it again, but this time in the middle of nowhere, where such a fantastic room would be perfect. A place where you can immerse yourself in the beauty of nature. If I owned a bubble, I’d head to the Lake District straight away, and trust me, that’d only be the first stop on a series of many bubbly adventures!
Thank you to the team at Brazen PR for the opportunity and to the Abbey Hotel for the delicious snacks and breakfast!